Events .

HERoines is a community and ecosystem for women, powered by HerMoneyTalks and HerSecondInnings.

Events .

HERoines is a community and ecosystem for women, powered by HerMoneyTalks and HerSecondInnings.
27 Sep 24
08 Oct 24
21 Dec 24
30 Nov 24
Welcome to HERoines, a vibrant community dedicated to empowering women in every facet of life. From career advancement to financial independence, lifestyle tips to succeeding in business, we offer unmatched support for women.   Join us to embrace a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle that supports both your personal and professional growth.    

Core Beliefs

Our Vision

At HERoines, our vision is to empower every woman's aspirations to action in Finance, Career, Entrepreneurship and Lifestyle.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a global community and ecosystem of economically empowered, financial savvy women,

Our Community

Built around support of 4 core pillars, HERoines is a safe space for women where they get everything required for an empowered lifestyle.

HERoines community provides personalised career guidance, helping women grow in their chosen fields with mentorship, resources, and a network of like-minded individuals. Navigate the world of finance confidently with our expert guidance. Whether you are looking to build savings, invest wisely, or plan for the future, our community equips women with the knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions. Prioritise your well-being with our comprehensive lifestyle guidance. From holistic health tips to effective body care routines, our community builds a culture of self-care and empowerment. Fuel your entrepreneurial spirit and business ambitions within our dynamic HERoines community. We provide invaluable insights, resources, and a collaborative environment for women striving to succeed in the world of business and entrepreneurship.
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Who We Are

HERoines is a joint initiative of Her Second Innings, a platform to transform your career aspirations and HerMoneyTalks, a platform to transform your financial aspirations. Together, we have built an exclusive community that arms you with everything to plan your future strategically, with respect to your career, finances, entrepreneurship and lifestyle.
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